Habit is done repeatedly until it become a second nature to you. It is important to stay consistent instead of completely stopping of what you are used to doing. Rather, replace a bad habit with something good.
Exercising or Working-Out
Let’s face it, no one enjoys exercising or working-out. If we could lose weight and eat whatever we desire, this would be a lot more enjoyable. However, there is another technique I have doing it. I am pretty sure you have heard of internment fasting or skipping a meal for a certain time period. This is something I implement. So, do whatever that is best suitable for you.
Setting Goals
When setting up a goal or goals this year, it is better to perhaps, choose two or three goals that are realistic for you achieved. Trying to do more than you can manage might get you too overwhelmed and most likely you are going to not attained any of them. Choose the ones that are the most important on your list and set asides any goals that are not so important for you.
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