• Let’s Talk About Habits

    Habit is done repeatedly until it become a second nature to you. It is important to stay consistent instead of completely stopping of what you are used to doing. Rather, replace a bad habit with something good. Exercising or Working-Out Let’s face it, no one enjoys exercising or working-out. If we could lose weight and…

  • Things I Learned About Money

    Episode #03 In today’s episode, I am sharing with some of the things I learned about money in my younger years. Financial literacy is crucial so that you will have a better understanding of how to manage your money. For most of us, we were not given a proper education for managing our finances wisely.…

  • God’s Definition of Success

    Episode #02 Success’ definition is subjective. To each has its own definition of what success looks like. However, when we delve into the Word of God, His definition of success is contrary to the popular belief. The world will tell you to make more and possess more. But we are told to be content of…

  • Mastery of Oneself

    Episode #01 Real Talk with Glennavelle Mastering yourself is a lifetime. It is not a destination that we hoped to arrived but it is a journey. I will be sharing some of the ways you can master yourself that starts with self-awareness. Without being aware of yourself is rather hard to get to know your…

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